Whether your business is into cleaning houses or small offices, the onset of a beautiful and profitable business relationship with your clients is the quality of job that you provide. So before you start cleaning, you must have a plan of action on what tools you need, which areas to clean first and how much time it would take to finish up everything. Having this system will ensure that you have paid enough attention to your task and it can also help you avoid missing spots can cost you to lose a client.

It is very important that you do the cleaning tasks ably and correctly to keep your clients impressed. First time clients are more sensitive and would check on the smallest things so it would be best to arm yourself with more care than you had ever before.

1. On cleaning glass and mirrors.
Glass cleaner may seem like the obvious thing to use, but a better cleaning agent is actually soap and warm water. A bit of dishwashing liquid in a bucket of warm water would do the job better than any glass cleaner can. Wipe up the glass or mirror with a lint-free rag to avoid threads on the surface. A glass cleaning agent that can help protect the surface from attracting dust is vinegar and water, just make sure that you poured just enough vinegar so as not to smell. Although vinegar also has the capability to actively eliminate other smells in the vicinity.

2. On polishing furniture surfaces.
A commercial furniture polish is not really made to clean, it was manufactured to polish. So before you start wiping off dust, be sure to read the label and see if the furniture polish you have can be cleaning purposes too. Or you can use a clean piece of rag to wipe off dust before applying the polish. You should also check the material of the furniture; some can be wiped with a damp cloth to clean the surface before polishing it.

3. On al-purpose cleaners.
All-purpose cleaners are not really suitable for “all” things. This has abrasive texture that may leave scratches on surfaces of some materials. You should always read the labels before using all-purpose cleaners for your cleaning tasks.

4. On cleaning floors.
Vacuum cleaners are probably one of the best cleaning inventions this century ever had. You may use micro fiber dry dust mop for tiled or wooden floor and a carpet sweeper for carpets to make floors cleaner. Doing these two things before vacuuming will make things easier since it has already lessened the dust that needs pulling out. You will surely come up with a winning floor!

5. On finishing up.
Then before leaving the premises, do one last inspection on all areas that you’ve cleaned. You may bring along a garbage bag or your janitorial cart just in case you fine some other things to pick up or some equipment and tools you had unintentionally left earlier.

For more info: How to start a cleaning service