There are many things to consider when setting up a day care center. Licensing could be one of the first steps to do on the list but after this is a long line of other things that needs to be scrutinized. Since the safety of the kids is of utmost importance, the day care center environment is to be secured and checked to meet the general requirements.

As a general rule, child care facilities should be kept clean and free from any hazards to the kid’s health. It should be checked for vermin infestation, toxic substances and any hazardous materials. Label any potentially harmful items like cleaning supplies, bleach, and any other toxic materials. Sharp tools like knives should be locked in a container inaccessible to kids. Any impairing drugs should not be found in the premises. Smoking should also be prohibited within the day care environment.

Rooms in the day care center need to be well ventilated. Fresh and clean air should be a plenty. Room temperature and lighting must be moderated and checked; it should be healthy for playing and learning. Always have the room cleaned after each class, only when the children are no longer in the rooms.

The outdoor play area is another thing to consider. Since kids like to play, run and mess around this area, it is good to make sure that it is clean, free from nails, litter, glass, or anything harmful. It should provide shade while kids are playing. For protection from outside hazards, it should be fenced or gated in such a way that kids would not be able to exit the floor area unknowingly.

Most often, a day care session would include a napping and sleeping time for kids to rest from play and study. A napping and sleeping space should be provided and of course maintained. Day care center providers should provide safe and sanitary beddings like beds, cribs, mattress or cot. Linens or blankets used should be laundered every time they are soiled or even if not, they need to be washed at least once a week.

A day care center's toilet and bath facilities should be safely constructed and maintained. They should be kept clean and dry to prevent accidents of children slipping. Toilet requirements for kids like potty chairs, sink, and other portable or permanent bath facility should be sanitized. Toiletries like soap, towels, trash receptacles, and toilet paper should be provided for the kids to use.

This may all sound like a lot of work. But keeping your day care environment safe, clean, and convenient would be an advantage for you in the long run. Remember that the children are your priority. Their safety is very important. Parents are putting their full trust that you would look after the kids well. You need to live up with their expectations. Once you have established the fact that you are a good day care provider, the future would mean more parents enrolling their kids at your center, and more income for you.

See: How to start daycare