Affiliate Program That's Second To None

We need indiviuals to be the face of our company.
The support system is in place, you just make the sale.
The services that we offer are aged shelf corporations.
We can build your company or build out a shelf corporation
and one of our great programs, is that we offer bulk pricing
which is $500 for each coporation but you have to buy a
minimum of 10 corporations. These companies do not come
with any back office support.The coporation range from 2 to 30
years old.They come with a DNB report or Experian report
and in some case both.We make sure they have no judg,ents or
tax liens on the corporation. We offer to build these corporations
that are purchased from us with our own business references.
We never use references that where on the corporation before we
purchase the corp. This way we make sure we never use anyone else's
business lines.

Contact Angel@ 561-441-6907

To Join Us In Your Quest Of Corporation Credit