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dooyoo is a community of consumer review writers which aims to advise on product purchases through their own experiences. Find out more
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dooyoo is a social-shopping platform which helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions.

dooyoo's dynamic Internet platform helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions as a result of dooyoo members' collaborative commitment and involvement. As a social commerce business, dooyoo's formula of advisor services + social bargain hunting services + professional reviews offers maximum shopping comfort.

The mixture of services - advice, bargain hunting and professional reviews - offers maximum comfort to everyone shopping online. The exchange of shopping tips and product reviews is the platform's special value. The dooyooCommunity's collective intelligence creates up-to-date independent product evaluations of more than 1.5 million products.

Everyone can find an audience for their product experience opinions in the dooyooCommunity. It's about more than just prices - dooyoo is the home of online-shopping comfort.

For more information, visit

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