One thing I have found about making money on your website, is that you have to have a payment processor to accept any kind of payment from anyone. I can't just give you cash that I have in my pocket to buy your e-book or web service. Problem is, that in most cases, well, most ORDINARY cases, these processors require some sort of ID or bank account backing, probably a credit card too.

e-gold - Great processor. payment is immediate, but you ust convince your customer that gold really IS the best currency to use. I agree, but most people are brainwashed to believe in these central bank notes so they don't go for gold as much as they ought to.

e-Bullion.. Ok, they have a USD counterpart so they may be a little more accepted.

Paypal.. Excellent processor. But you need a bank account and/or a credit card to use it. And you have to sign up and give this info over the 'net. Most folks don't trust it yet, even though their info goes over the 'net every day when they use the card at wal-mart.

Alertpay.. again good processor. Handy, but you have to have something there to use it.

I could go on about all these options we have, but they are all so similar I need not.

Well.. There's one new processor that is changing all of that. It's called MoBillCash and it uses your mobile phone to pay for your online and offline purchases. No credit card, bank account or ID required. Just enter your phone number, reply to a text message and the transaction is done.

Link is here for merchants:
MobillCash - Online Payment solution through your mobile phone

And if you want to promote this great opportunity that will be bigger than Paypal:
MobillCash Affiliate Programme

Just think about it.. You AND your customers paying for everything with your mobile phone. And earning a small part of every sale made. Sounds good to me...

MobillCash Affiliate Programme

Best of everything...
