This opportunity fits best for top managers and ****utives or for people who think of starting up their own companies.
I’m looking for a partner – business owner or a top ****utive of the company to organize remote production office in Eastern Europe. This office works under your company’s title and will be owned by your company. The “production” itself may include any type of service that could be performed remotely – call and email support, IT, email and document management, billing, data processing, image processing, internet marketing, research etc. Office infrastructure investment is required (insignificant for small teams).
My role would be in directing and managing this business unit on-site. I’m able to coinvest if needed.
To calculate your revenue – take the amount you currently spend on such services internally and divide it by 2. This figure would be your revenue in addition to your company revenue at the moment.
Feel free to email at guru.ussr (woof) me to arrange a phone call and meet in person.