
Having been researching all recession proof businesses given the sever economic downturn, it amazed me that the adult industry was growing at a record pace this past year, so I wondered why and started researching it more deeply. While retail was dropping, this trend was exactly what was happening in all businesses. Get ahead of an emerging trend is the secret to success, always has been, always will be.

Knowing this recession is not going to end anytime soon, I had shifted my efforts to only focus on the best recession proof businesses, and I am glad I did, each one is showing growth while many mainstream businesses are on decline. This is critical strategy for anyone looking to make it online, never mind in a traditional business.

What I had been researching is the adult industry when the statistics indicated this was the number one recession proof industry. Why, there are several reasons. Economy in tail spin is just one reason, and it comes down to cheap entertainment. It also has to do with baby boomers reaching an age of less sexual activity, so perhaps this is their outlet. What ever the reasons, this makes for a powerful home business even if you are not into adult sites.

Having been testing advertising response rates, I now see why AllXPro is exploding, MLM is perfect given the automated anonymous follow up system company has put in place. I was a doubter when I first came across this a few months ago, but there is no denying it, adult industry is booming on the internet with no end in site given the aging population. With other features being added, this company is serious about perpetuating growth, and they are well funded to make this a long term winner.

Success to all, Mike