
this seems to become a very nice offer.
Sqip will start soon in over 30 languages and I believe it will beat companies like Yahoo, AOL, Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, Skype etc. all together.

They now give away 100 shares for a free sign up, worth now 25 Euros.

Networking, Communities, Groups, Videos, Photos, Music, Web search, Video search, MP3 playlists, Auctions, Blogging, Bookmarking, File sharing, B2B, Biz Networking, Market Place, B2C, Web/pop3 email, Spam Shield, AutoResponder, Chat rooms, Forums, Dating, Radio, Video chat, Conferencing, Collaboration, Multi Media, Micro blogging, Flat rate calls, Flat rate ******, Shopping, Hot deals, Green Lotto, Affiliates, Stakeholders, Partners, Instant account, Weekly payouts

English: https://stakeholder.sqipcom.com/?user=portal

German: http://www.powerteam24.org/Sqip/portal

Dutch: http://www.powerteam24.org/Sqip/NL/portal

Best regards,
