I am not the admin of the program.

Welcome to LimitlessONE™
Ambassadors Card™
LimitlessONE™ is a financial services and marketing company specializing in the development and administration of debit and credit card programs related to “lifestyle” purchases and products providing rewards, discounts, loyalty points, incentives, and gifts, while earning a "plus cash" rebate account. The LimitlessONE™ VISA® & MasterCard® network enables hundreds of different loyalty, rebate and incentive programs to operate simultaneously, while tracking referrals and charting a sophisticated affiliate profit sharing platform.

The company is focused on the development, distribution and deployment of the most expansive, enhancing and enriching, incentive, loyalty and rewards card system, used in multiple capacities, for multiple purposes, across multiple industries. Our product lines are based on patented technology. This technology allows the card members to enjoy the highest incentives, access rewards, discounts, and gifts while earning “cash” rebates. This system also provides for the best quality purchasing at the very best price.

The LimitlessONE™ Ambassadors Card™ Debit Card is a "universal" stored value card that looks and acts like a traditional credit or debit card and can be used as payment wherever MasterCard® or VISA® are accepted, worldwide. The card contains other value added features including a preference-based coalition loyalty program. That means those who receive a LimitlessONE™ Ambassadors Card™ Debit Card can use it at literally tens of millions of places for both traditional and on-line purchases. The card is accepted at 100% of the ATM machines worldwide. Further, the card can be utilized to send money card to card to any country from any country for much less than traditional wire transfer methods.

The LimitlessONE™ Ambassadors Card™ Access Rewards Card offers to cardholders:

* A superior blend of bankcard bonus points, profit sharing and rewards access card services
* Complete credit and debit-card features in VISA® and MasterCard® format
* An integration of discount coupons, incentives, loyalty rewards, gift certificates, cash rebates and independent affiliate marketing income generation for all users
* An artificial intelligence system that searches the best pricing in real-time translating into meaningful buying assistance for consumers
* Consistently creates new consumer continuity reward programs

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LimitlessONE? Premium PayCard? - Begin earning rewards today!

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