HI everyone !!
I'm not an admin or owner. This is site witch generate super profit from only 1,5$!!!

Super 2 x 7 Matrix
Pay $1.50 Once - NEVER Pay Again EVER
$1.50 One-Time Entry Cost
Never Pay Again EVER!
No Admin Fees - EVER!
Follow Me Referral System
PLUS a 2 X 7 Company Forced Matrix
Spillover & Spillunder
Super 2 x 7 Matrix Payout $166,931
2 x 7 Premium Matrix Payout $716,480
Banner and Text Advertising
10 Website Rotator
1 x 3 Straightline Cyclers

The Super 2 x 7 Matrix is a hybrid Personal and Company 2 x 7 forced matrix.

If a member joins the 2 x 7 matrix they will be placed under their original sponsor, if their original sponsor is not in the 2 x 7 matrix they will be placed under the first available position as overspill. Placement in levels 2 to 7 is based direct sponsor follow me system and a company forced matrix, members will be placed in the first available position.