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    Default The One World Order, By Conquest Or Concent?

    PART 1

    Deanna Spingola
    June 1, 2006

    On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”[1] James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) was the son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Company which financed the Russian Revolution through James’ brother Max, banker to the government of Germany.[2] A world government is a world without borders, national sovereignty, constitutions, privacy, autonomy, individual liberties, religious freedoms, private property, the right to bear arms, the rights of marriage and family and a dramatic population reduction (two thirds). A world government establishes a slave/master environment wherein the state controls everything.

    Unfortunately, in the United States, the Establishment’s goal of a One World Order is reaching fruition through complacent consent and subversive conquest. America, a Constitutional Republic, is plunging into the satanical One World Order facilitated by the calculated placement of unscrupulous individuals deeply dedicated to the goals of the secret societies they belong to. America, formerly the home of the brave and the free, is currently the home of the people who merely think they are free. None are more enslaved and manipulated than those who mistakenly view themselves as free, therefore rendering them exceptionally vulnerable.

    Consent, using mass population management can be achieved by using elements of Hegelian Dialectics. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831),[3] the political and social scientist and professor at the University of Berlin from 1817 until his death in 1831, clearly defined his philosophical/political concepts that came to be known as Hegelianism. His ideas are still taught[4] and authors continue to elaborate on his philosophies,[5] though inattentive Americans fail to acknowledge or even distinguish their application in our own society despite the obvious and devastating consequences.

    “The philosophy which has dominated the Western world since the mid 19th century can be reduced to one tenet—ultimate peace comes only through conflict… It proposes that a clash between ideologies (thesis and antithesis) is a normal historical phenomenon which always results in compromise (synthesis) that advances civilization to a higher level of order. “Conflict, in other words, is good, and peace is not necessarily desirable (or profitable).”[6] The essence of Hegel's dialectical process is that an idea (thesis) is challenged by its opposite (antithesis) creating a crisis, problem or conflict and the two are ultimately reconciled into a third idea (synthesis) or compromise which includes both. As compromise (synthesis) is achieved the process is incessantly repeated, with synthesis posturing as thesis, for sustained conflict-filled advancement. And like spectators at a tennis match, the populace is so totally distracted by the contrived contentious confrontations that we do not perceive the motives of the entire conflict charade. Government creates a crisis for which the public demands a solution. That solution instigates the changes that the government initially wanted but which the people would have been unwilling to accept. It is Order out of Chaos! Worldwide chaos will lead to worldwide solutions which will establish the One World Order.

    Several current crises receiving media attention definitely demand serious scrutiny. Trust me; the government already has the perfect solution for each problem.

    Crisis #1: Deliberate destabilization is occurring: well financed demonstrations donning foreign flags, government fines of small business, chaos, high crime rates, eradicated contagious diseases returning, bankrupt hospitals, high welfare burdens, lost American wages, and overcrowded schools are emotionally eviscerating Americans. Minutemen marches and justified activities are ineffective against the floodgate of the Mexican masses. Public demand is high as we witness the seemingly impotent government (thesis) apathetic to the voter’s wishes while their usually supportive squad of talk radio show shills and the Fox News faction posture as a very effective opposition (antithesis) purportedly embracing the average citizen’s viewpoint against the government.

    Solution or synthesis: The completely orchestrated invasion by invitation is essentially the well planned stealthy strategic function of combining the countries of Canada, the United States and Mexico according to the treacherous treaty signed on March 23, 2005, by the top political leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada: Bush, Fox and Martin.[7] Download the CFR associated document, Building a North American Community, Task Force Report 53 for comprehensive details. This invasion enables their goal with additional perks: thousands of additional jobless citizens will be available for perpetual warfare paid by borrowed funds from the international banking cabal. Rampant chaos, assisted by the predicted avian pandemic may necessitate permanent Martial Law or military order (as after 9-11) which may prevent the 2006 and 2008 “elections” from taking place. Those “representatives” loyal to the One World Order would then remain in office, an unlikely circumstance, if our votes actually counted, after their duplicity in this immigration fiasco.

    For security, “voters” (people who actually think they have a voice) will settle for the compromise legislation that we were unwilling to accept originally. To prove our legality, we will be amenable to an implanted ID chip. We won’t complain too loudly about the incarceration of illegals in those FEMA Concentration Camps. This will make it easier for the government to imprison dissenters, whistleblowers and patriots. What they can do to one person, they can do to multitudes.

    Crisis #2: Members of the government-friendly mass media are apparently attempting to provoke public alarm by castigating watchdog journalists who allegedly leak information which might affect our “national security.” One popular obedience-trained radio talk show shill suggested subpoenas instead of Pulitzers. William J. Bennett, Neo-con war hawk PNAC member said: “But these people who reveal our secrets, who hurt our war effort, who hurt the efforts of our CIA, who hurt efforts of the president's people--they shouldn't be given prizes and awards for this; they should be looked into--the Espionage Act, the investigation of these leaks.”[8]

    Journalistic exposés about Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-California), Bush’s warrant-less domestic surveillance program and the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal expose government abuse and corruption. Government is accountable to the people, not the other way around. In an attempt to prevent publication of Bush’s illegal assault on our privacy “Bush met with Executive Editor Bill Keller and Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. to argue against publication.”[9] Gagging the press is censorship – typical only in a tyrannical government. Freedom of speech is always lost gradually – unfortunately with the consent of a propagandized frightened populace willing to give up their freedoms for a measure of security.

    “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” - Harry S. Truman

    Solution or synthesis: Full ramifications of the legislation already in place will unfold, which the unwitting populace will readily accept, with the next contrived crisis or pandemic – the 2007 Intelligence Authorization Act spells total control from just about every major bureaucratic agency. “H.R. 5020 provides strategic and substantial enhancements in funding for critical, world-wide intelligence capabilities, strengthens our overall capabilities, and gives America the modern, lean, mean, agile, and aggressive Intelligence Community it needs.”[10]

    “Finally, the bill requires the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to develop a comprehensive overhead architecture program to eliminate waste and ensure rational and coordinated technical programs; improves coordination between the Intelligence Community and military to increase our efforts and effectiveness in the Global War on Terror; and increases House Intelligence and Armed Services coordination to advance common systems and capabilities to fight the Global War on Terror.”[11] The “war of terror” is significantly defined as global, the ominous foreshadowing of “perpetual war for perpetual peace”. Anti-war advocates will be classified as unpatriotic or worse – probably depicted as traitors via a daily “2-minute hate session.” “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

    Obviously, there are other crises, orchestrated oppositions, for which Americans are and will demand solutions – premeditated plans that bring us closer to the One World Order. People are demanding a solution to the gas prices which affect every aspect of American life. It isn’t just about gas availability for summer vacations. Petitions against profanity from friends and family are wending their way through the Internet asking for a government solution. Hey people, police yourself and your children – turn the television off – read a book! Don’t hand the job of parenting to Big Brother! If they can eliminate profanity, they can eliminate anything – religion, etc.

    Criminal activity, hyped in the news and exacerbated by numerous CSI style shows, creates the perception of pervasive crime which promotes a general feeling of fear and vulnerability. Some Chicago churches are compensating individuals for turning in their guns. Is this a faith-based initiative - churches collecting guns appears very benign compared to confiscation by uniformed government agents. Gun control is a major step! Only criminals and the government (excuse the redundancy) will have guns – now that is the scariest scenario.

    “Our main agenda is to have all guns banned of course. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” --Sarah Brady, 1994

    It is amazing that the government can predict the pandemic arrival of the avian flu Small business suffers while big multinational agri-business increases. And who knows what is in that vaccine serum – metal, mercury or some other waste product? Collateral benefit: Donald Rumsfeld makes big bucks on Gilead stock.

    Is another war on the horizon? Should we preemptively nuke Iran – the threat is whatever the Ministry of Truth and the complicit news media says it is. Collateral benefit: war profits for the Carlyle Group, that well-connected defense contractor and don’t forget about Halliburton.

    Warrantless domestic surveillance is an affront to our basic Constitutional freedoms but has been going on for decades. The latest incident was intentionally “leaked” to evaluate mass response to a more intense invasion of our privacy. Naïve citizens who aren’t “guilty of anything anyway” claim they don’t mind if Big Brother listens to their private conversations. “Just keep us safe from those bogeymen terrorists!”

    Certainly, there is a massive amount of contrived crises but I hope I made my point regarding thesis, antithesis and synthesis.

    To provide the ongoing application of these devilish dialectics individuals from well established covert societies, some more secret than others, finagle their way into powerful positions within the three branches of the federal government. This is accomplished through complicit consent and contrived choice. The quantity of such infiltration is insignificant especially if we consider the “one rotten apple in a basket” concept. Secret societies, the genuine conspiracies, are secret for a reason and they exist despite denials and well-placed “official” counter charges. Activities carried on under the darkness of concealment are most frequently illegal. Secrecy is not essential in the glaring light of day.

    Antony Sutton stated: “Secret political organizations can be and have been extremely dangerous to the social health and constitutional validity of a society. In a truly free society the exercise of political power must always be open and known.” “Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political structures have always, by necessity, been secret organizations. Communist revolutionary cells are an obvious example. In fact, such revolutionary organizations can only function if their existence was secret. In brief, secrecy in matters political is historically associated with coercion. Furthermore, the existence of secrecy in organizations with political ambitions or with a history of political actions is always suspect. Freedom is always associated with open political action and discussion while coercion is always associated with secrecy.”[12] We have been brainwashed into believing absolute secrecy is imperative for our national security.

    President Kennedy said of Freemasonry: “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.” President John F. Kennedy— address to newspaper publishers, April 27, 1961

    Most of these groups or societies embrace One World Order goals; they include but are not limited to: The Illuminati, Club of Rome, the Bilderbergs, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), also known as The Chatham House Study Group founded 1919 in Great Britain and its sinister sister the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) founded 1921 in America. The CFR is the largest group. “The plans for these two groups were drawn up at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. The RIIA was largely funded by the Astor family, The Rhodes Trust and certain British banks whilst the CFR was a front for JP Morgan &Co.”[13]

    “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government.” Chester Ward, Rear Admiral and former Navy Judge Advocate 1956 – 1960 and a CFR member for 15 years. Is his attitude reflective of other military leaders who have also sworn to uphold the Constitution?

    Both of these groups were established as proxies for the Rhodes-Milner Group which was founded at All Souls College, Oxford University by diamond tycoon Cecil Rhodes (Rhodesia was named for), inspired by John Ruskin, professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University and Lord Alfred Milner at the end of the 19th century. The Rhodes Scholarships were created as a result of an attachment to the 1902 will of Cecil Rhodes:

    “The idea gliding and dancing before our eyes like a willow – a wish at last frames itself into a plan. Why should we not join (or form as other writers have interpreted Rhodes’ handwriting) a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”[14]


    1, Liberty Tree
    2, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution By Antony C. Sutton
    3, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    4, Dean of the Faculty
    5, Publications on Hegel
    6, Freedom Through Order
    7, Building a North American Community
    8, Bennett: Pulitzer Winners Risen, Lichtblau, Priest 'Worthy of Jail'
    9, Post Wins 4 Pulitzer Prizes; 2 Go to New Orleans Paper
    10, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007
    11, Ibid
    12, America's Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony c. Sutton, 2002, pg. 185
    13, The Great Trust and Western Foreign Policy, Chapter 3
    14, How The World Really Works by Alan B. Jones, pg. 67

    © 2006 Deanna Spingola - All Rights Reserved

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    Default What freedom is or what it was

    Hats off to you sir. Very well writen. We are collectively a nation of flag wavers, lulled into complacincy, asleep at the switch. One day very soon I'm afraid everyone will wake up to find there money, home, job and way of life gone.............................

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    "One day very soon I'm afraid everyone will wake up to find there money, home, job and way of life gone............................."

    OK, what , if anything, do you plan on doing about it???

    It's nice to sit and gripe, complain, and point fingers as to who's causing all this but, what will you do in order to maintain America the way it was??? Or, should be?

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    Want to help turn it around?

    The least you can do is be counted at one of the state capital tours that are going to be taking place throughout the country. Or volunteer to help arrange/manage it......or....hand out flyers in your area to inform more people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mtdavis
    "One day very soon I'm afraid everyone will wake up to find there money, home, job and way of life gone............................."

    OK, what , if anything, do you plan on doing about it???

    It's nice to sit and gripe, complain, and point fingers as to who's causing all this but, what will you do in order to maintain America the way it was??? Or, should be?
    Post it on a forum.

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    Default what to do

    You can find all the answers on what to do about it here. If you need conformation just go to the prophets of old and look for the prophacies on the small book or scroll that leaves your stomach bitter but your mouth sweet. Rev. Daniel, Jerimiah, Malichi, Issaiah, and many more. The one that only the Christ can break the seven seals when people go to and fro and knowledge is greatly increased in the latter days. When we meditate on terror where is the scribe where is the redeemer and who counts the towers. Only those who find the book of life will recieve the manna and the living waters on the rock and see the redeemer. Only those who follow his cammandments will recieve the morning star. Only those who find the book and take heed will not feel the swords of the fierce ones from the east and the north with the foriegn tongues. The USA and Great Britton are the two witnesses, the sun, moon and stars will fall from the sky with a big loud noise. That is, all the english speaking nations. You see we are the forgotten tribes of Isreal. Jacobs decendents. Just look at our flags and symbals to find the past. Essau has stolen the name of Isreal and Gods judgement will be upon him too. God is holding ww3 back to put his mark on the foreheads of his chosen people. Time is short. Look for the book "The Way Home or Face The Fire" Its free on adobe. It could mean your soul. Good luck. But I must warn you, those who do not take heed will have much calamity to face untill you do. Then go out and tell the nations again. Rev.10 Aloha Brant

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    A big long post for a little mouse.... another perspective:

    It is now the summer of 2006. Our present world has evolved beyond the imagination of all of the previous generations. In fact, the present truth of today would be a shock to all previous generations if they were simply told of it. I have warned people of our day that they better pray that no one is able to make a "time machine" to go back a generation or more. The poor soul that travels back would surely be burned at the stake by noon for the penalty of being the "devil." They would not be able to accept what is common today. Since we have seen the changes occur, we have accepted the technology and resulting changes to our world. Previous generations have not and would consider the only reasonable explanation to be illusion and lies; it would have to be the work of the devil.
    The changing world we live in has not slowed down. In fact, the technology of change is accelerating. There are many more changes coming – both good and evil. They will challenge even us despite our present day orientation. In fact, the changes (and trauma) coming in the next 5 years are greater than all the changes of the previous 50 years.
    Am I referring to ancient Bible prophecies? Well, yes and no. The Bible does characterize the last generation as being many, traveling to and fro, with knowledge increasing (DAN 12:4). However, secular scientists and sociologists are actually making dire predictions that sound like end time Bible prophecy types.
    Consider the following:
    Devaluing the Dollar. Prior to World War II, paper currencies in the world such as the dollar were backed by gold. Gold has been the world’s universal money. A country with much gold had much money, those without had a lot of paper. The price of gold was pretty stable, set at about $32 an ounce. But then World War II came and the world changed in dramatic ways. President Roosevelt gathered all the gold and put it in Ft. Knox. Our money became Federal Reserve Notes controlled by a group of bankers, no longer backed by gold. What is our money based on now? Answer: Oil.
    The United States in the aftermath of World War II became the guarantee for energy for western nations. Everyone went along with the idea except the Soviet Union. They had their own oil. For nearly sixty years, on the world market, oil was sold and purchased using U.S. Dollars. The U.S. with their military might guaranteed everyone oil. But recently things have been changing.
    Iraq, in its dispute with the World, refused to sell their oil for U.S. Dollars. They wanted to be paid in the new currency of Europe – The Euro Dollar. Despite the best efforts of the United States, including the invasion of Iraq, other nations have suddenly decided to follow Hussein’s idea. Iran has decided and implemented March of this year, the sale of oil for Euros (not U.S. Dollars). The leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has decided to do the same and appears to be taking control (nationalizing) the oil production facilities in his country. Hugo Chavez does not like the United States and vice versa. The United States gets 20% of their oil from Venezuela.
    Everyone is scrambling to lock in their source for oil (to meet the energy demanded of their country) and the U.S. Dollar is falling out of favor as the preferred currency of the world. So, what does that mean? The Dollar will fall in value. It will cost more dollars to buy the same thing, especially if it is foreign made. Need I mention that we have been moving most of our production factories to foreign countries because it is "cheaper" than doing it here? Many are buying gold and it is rising in value. But is it the answer? Only in the short term. It won’t solve the long term problem. You will have to sell it to have enough money. Besides, when the Messiah appears, you will throw your gold and silver away.
    Peak Oil. You will soon hear this expression replacing Y2K like it was a game. Peak oil is defined as the point when energy consumption exceeds energy production. The United States passed this point in 1970. Remember the gas lines and shortages of 1973 with President Carter? We started buying foreign oil like it was going out of style then. According to experts, the world passed peak oil in 2005.
    With China becoming more technologically advanced and the overall increased world population, we are now consuming more oil (energy) than the world can produce. This includes drilling all new resources, increasing Nuclear, Solar, and alternative fuels. So, what does this mean? It means that by 2010, shortages will force conservation and market forces will drive the available product to unbelievable prices. Quoting from those experts they are projecting a gallon of gasoline at $7 to $8. Consider the down stream implications to food production and everything we need. Everything requires energy to be produced. Everything will follow suit when prices increase. Some are saying that this will produce oil wars (rumors of wars). Nations with large militaries will force oil producers to sell or be seized. Iran desperately wants Nuclear weapons to play with the big boys. They see this as their opportunity to emerge as the great Persian Empire again.
    Presently, oil companies are merging and new refineries are not being built. They know shortages are coming and only the biggest companies will survive. There is no need for new refineries. With the present consumption levels and production capacity, it will all be gone within 25 years. What is desperately needed is conservation and new types of fuels. So far, hybrid cars are the only thing on the drawing boards and they are expensive.
    Solar Max. In 2012, the sun will again hit its 11 year cycle for Sun spot activity. However, this time ii will coincide with another more ominous 50 year cycle of activity. The sun has a series of conveyor belts just like our ocean currents. These belts are what produce the sun’s magnetic storms just like our ocean currents with the jet stream produce weather for us on earth. In effect, the normal jet stream works with the ocean currents to produce increased storms. On the sun this is called Solar Max. The last time we had this (1859), an article in the New York newspapers said that it caused the sky to turn red, beams of light were shooting from the horizon to the zenith and telegraph lines were fried to a sizzle.
    When solar storms strike the earth, the magnetic field surrounding us directs the energy to the poles. This can produce the famous "northern lights." The energy is so great that it scintillates gas molecules in the atmosphere to glow (neon bulb effect). When a big solar storm hits and they have in recent years, the railroads lines and power transmission lines dissipate the energy. However, an excessive charge can also take out a power transmission grid causing a loss of electrical power for several regions. Remember, the 1859 report about telegraph lines sizzling?
    While this cycle is not to occur until 2012, some scientists say that the ramp-up of activity will begin in 2010 and last until 2014. Given that our world has dramatically moved to the "wireless" mode, we should reasonably be expecting some satellites to be severely damaged or their life to be shortened. There will be disruptions in service. How did we ever live before cell phones? How will we live suddenly without them and with them severely disrupted?
    Whether you are talking to a sociologist, a physical scientist, or a solar scientist, each of them are saying the world you live in today will not be the world that is coming. It appears to be an approaching disaster. By the way, no one has put it all together explaining the synergism of all of these things at the same time. However, what is about to happen to the earth already has happened once before.
    The Famine in Egypt. Long ago in the days of Pharaoh and Joseph, a time of plenty was followed by a devastating shortage. Joseph counseled Pharaoh to store up for the time of shortage. He warned the following:
    So the abundance will be unknown in the land because of that subsequent famine; for it will be very severe. GEN 41:31
    Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of the storage and later disbursement. As a result, the people spent all their money for the shortage. The next year, they had no money, so they paid for the food by selling all of their livestock.
    Then Joseph said, "Give up your livestock, and I will give you food for your livestock, since your money is gone." GEN 47:16
    The next year, they had no money nor livestock. They were forced to sell their land and themselves to serve on it.
    And when that year was ended, they came to him the next year and said to him, "We will not hide from my lord that our money is all spent, and the cattle are my lord's. There is nothing left for my lord except our bodies and our lands. So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, for every Egyptian sold his field, because the famine was severe upon them. Thus the land became Pharaoh's. So they said, "You have saved our lives! Let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's slaves." GEN 47:18,20,25
    This is what happens when there is a great shortage of something essential. The same is coming to the world. The shortage will be oil and energy. First, it will take everyone’s money. Then all of the equipment and companies will be sold. Then national sovereignties will be sold along with the citizens of that country. A new Pharaoh will emerge.
    I believe he will be the antimessiah and fulfill the words of the prophets Zechariah in the role as the shepherd of the "doomed flock for slaughter." I believe there is going to be another famine, a shortage of needed things. I believe the world will then follow the pattern of the Egyptians with Joseph. They will spend all their money (it will be severely devalued). They will sell their assets and other things of value (they won’t be worth much more than their money – remember everyone is selling). And finally, they will find that they are subject to their governments and rulers of their governments will be forced to give themselves and their nations over to the final ruler.
    Thus says the Lord my God, "Pasture the flock doomed to slaughter. Those who buy them slay them and go unpunished, and each of those who sell them says, ‘Blessed be the Lord, for I have become rich!’ And their own shepherds have no pity on them. For I shall no longer have pity on the inhabitants of the land," declares the Lord; "but behold, I shall cause the men to fall, each into another's power and into the power of his king; and they will strike the land, and I shall not deliver them from their power." Then I said, "I will not pasture you. What is to die, let it die, and what is to be annihilated, let it be annihilated; and let those who are left eat one another's flesh." ZEC 11:4-6,9
    This is how Pharaoh owned Egypt and this is how the antimessiah will gain power over the world. Some have suggested that the antimessiah will be a very charismatic leader with great ideas. I don’t think he will accomplish all that he does because of his charisma or ideas. I think the world be in such need that they will sell themselves to him.
    This generation has been around since Israel was formed in 1948. How long can this generation of baby boomers last? It appears that ominous things are coming our way. The days of abundance are about to end. The famine will be very severe. The world as we know it will change dramatically. Just as Joseph stood in his day and warned of what was coming, God used him to preserve the House of Jacob. God has promised us that we too will be saved in the tribulation of the days coming. Like our ancestors, we will leave Egypt, endure the Great Tribulation, and ultimately go to the promised land (the Messianic Kingdom).
    When do we leave? When does the Great Tribulation begin? Answer: When the altar is shut down on the temple mount and the image of the antimessiah is set-up.
    Brethren, do not sweat the small stuff (the world collapsing into need). Be more concerned with the Creator of Universe coming to see who you believe in.

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