Just Launched!!!
No Sponsoring Required
We Advertise For You!
5 PAID Personal Signups Guaranteed!!!
Receive an unlimited amount of $3.00 payments directly to your Alertpay account!
The company never touches your money!
All payments go directly to you!
PLUS your ad will be seen thousands of times all over the internet!!

To get your own page all you need is to spend a one time only small fee of $3.00 to each Ad Holder on this page and then an Admin Fee of $3.00. You will then receive your own page with your advertisement on top and your sponsor's below yours. You will also receive an unlimited amount of $3.00 payments directly to your Alertpay account from every person who buys a page from you and an additional $3.00 from everyone who purchases a page from them and from everyone who purchases a page from them, etc. In addition to your page you will have a members section to edit and change your ads as you wish.

Our software creates your page automatically after completion of payment of the Admin Fee. No Waiting!

This is an incredibly inexpensive, fast, and easy way to make a huge amount of extra cash and receive massive exposure all while you sleep!

Our Guarantee: Our Software places your URL into a rotator database which shows a random members URL. The company advertises your URL until you have at least 5 PAID signups.

