Launched since Jul 17, 2017

FineCurrency is a group of independent financial experts from the Financial Conduct Authority, an UK organization, responsible for the e-currencies industry. We’re a company of straight experts in strategy, will help you raise your money.

Our guarantee:
*Secure & fast payment using CoinPayment
*Data was encrypted with SSL Greenbar
*Immediate support 24/7 through livechat, toll-free or email

**Silver plan from $50 to $4999 :arrow_forward: ~5% profit weekly
**Gold plan from $5000 to $19999 :arrow_forward: ~6% profit weekly
**Plantinum plan from $20000 to $50000 :arrow_forward: ~7% profit weekly

***Principal return 7% every 4 weeks
***Direct commission 10%
***Binary commission 10%
***Principal return commission 10% up to 10 levels

Contact me:
+447403943192 (Telegram, viber)
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