clara4hyip.com is a U.K. based company, We've spent the past three years trying to make PrimeForex LIMITED into one of the most advanced companies in the field of Forex Trading. Our Company succeeded to support multiple Trading instruments (futures, forex, stocks, and options).

Our advanced trading robots made by our in house programming team, Our in house backtesting and strategy developer focus on dynamic trading environment. Our State of the Art AutoTrade bot technology (ATBT) is one of our most powerful trading robot for automated trading.


13% hourly for 12 hours $1.00 - $1000.00 13.00% / hourly

30% hourly for 4 hours $10.00 - $10000.00 30.00% / hourly
+ return 100.00% principal

200% after 24 hours $500.00 - $10000.00 8.33% / on maturity
+ return 100.00% principal
