Dear users, this is the first news post. We are glad to have all of you here. We already started to make payments. The forum has been launched today. During this weekend several updates will be done and we`ll add a livechat software for an easy support.At this moment, the payments are made instantly just to upgraded members. If you find bugs or you want to make as a suggestion or simply ask something, please do not hesitate to send us an email to [email protected] .We are also looking for moderators!! Send us some informations about you if interested. Thanks, SFBux Crew

Standard Membership
Your Click: $0.005(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.003(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.004(Standard Ad) $0.075(Extended Ad) $0.002(Short Ad)

Your Click: $0.006(Standard Ad) $0.125(Extended Ad) $0.004(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.00475(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.025(Short Ad)

The minimum payout is set at $1 for the first cashout, $4 for the second, $7 for the third and $10 for every one after that.

Once you reach the minimum amount, you can withdraw your money instantly to either AlertPay or Paypal.

Reg here:
SFBUX - Registration