
Standard Members
Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.0125(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.004(Standard Ad) $0.075(Extended Ad) $0.0025(Short Ad)
Maximum Direct Referrals: 30
Days between CashOut: 7 Days
Maximum Ads per day: 4
Membership Price: Free

Pioneer Members
Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.0125(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.008(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.002(Short Ad)
Maximum Direct Referrals: 45
Days between CashOut: 4 Days
Maximum Ads per day: 5
Membership Price: $ 22

Premium Members
Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.0125(Extended Ad) $0.01(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.0125(Extended Ad) $0.01(Short Ad)
Maximum Direct Referrals: 90
Days between CashOut: 4 Days
Maximum Ads per day: 10
Membership Price: $ 90

The minimum payout is set at $2 for the first CashOut, $5 for the second, $7 for the third and $10 for every one after that. Instant payments through PayPal/AlertPay.

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