I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to BuxSnap!

BuxSnap pays you to view advertisements provided by our sponsors.

We strive to connect advertisers with potential customers. This way, both parties benefit from our services.

Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential. We are always ready to take any advice into consideration.
We offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals.
Earn up to $0.0125 per click and $0.01 for every referral click

Register Now!

Advertise with BuxSnap!
Prices from just $1.5 per 100 member visits. Outside visits are unlimited and included within all prices.

Each visit you pay for, is guaranteed to last for at least 30 seconds.

If your ad stays active for a long enough time, Google and other search engines will give your site an extremely high page rank because you are linked from our high traffic website!

We receive over 10,000 unique visitors to BUXSNAP.com EVERY DAY!

Welcome to BuxSnap!

BuxSnap pays you to view advertisements provided by our sponsors.

We strive to connect advertisers with potential customers. This way, both parties benefit from our services.

Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential. We are always ready to take any advice into consideration.
We offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals.
Earn up to $0.0125 per click and $0.01 for every referral click

Register Now!

Advertise with BuxSnap!
Prices from just $1.5 per 100 member visits. Outside visits are unlimited and included within all prices.

Each visit you pay for, is guaranteed to last for at least 30 seconds.

If your ad stays active for a long enough time, Google and other search engines will give your site an extremely high page rank because you are linked from our high traffic website!

We receive over 10,000 unique visitors to BUXSNAP.com EVERY DAY!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.