I am not the admin of the program.



At SmithBux you get paid just by browsing our sponsor's ads.

The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends.

What you get as a member:

* Earn up to $0.01 (1 Cent) per click.

* Earn up to $0.01 (1 Cent) for every ad your referrals click.

* The minimum payout is $5 and Instantly!.


It is easy to advertise your products or services!

Choose from a variety of click packs. Everyone can see your ads, but only our registered users clicks are included in the price. So, you get what you pay for and even more since clicks from outside visitors are completly free!

Our registered users must see your ad for the amount of time you specified.

Each registered user's click will only be accounted once in 24 hours.

What's included:

* Choose your click pack depending on your needs.

* Choose the amount of time your ad must be viewed.

* View detailed statistics during and after your ad display.

* Enhanced anti-cheat protection.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.