I am not the admin of the program.


Members Benefits !

* International Members are Welcome!
* Upgrade your account here
* Get paid to read and click!
* $20 Sign-Up Bonus,$10 Referral bonus!
* E-mails worth $0.5, $1,PTC worth $0.5.
* No minimum payout for Upgrade members
* Payments via MoneyBookers,Libertyreserve, PayPal,Money Order or check
* You can get all commission from downline clicks.
(no active requirement!)
* 5 Ref levels 25% - 20% - 15% - 10% - 5%
* Thank you for your visit to gold-mails.info

Advertisers Benefits !

* The most cost effective advertising.
* Guaranteed Clickthru Ad Options.
* EMail Advertising or Banner Advertising.
* Advertise to 100% opt in membership.
* Members are eager to receive your ads.
* We will customize your Ad Campaign.
* Many ads benefits for Upgrade members
* Reliable, Friendly Service!
* InteFast respond! mostly in 24 hours will be processed.
* Thank you for your visit to gold-mails.info

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.