I am not the admin of the program.


Members Benefits !

1. Free Memberships.
2. All Emails Worth $1.00 , All ptc worth $0.50.
3. $20 signup bonus , $10 referral bonus.
4. Redeemption page start from $100.
5. No downline required for payout.
6. International Members are Welcome.
7. 5 Ref levels 25% - 20% - 15% - 10% - 5%
8. $8000 payout for Free Members.
9. $100 payout for Upgraded Members.
10. Payments Will be Made Within 7 days via PayPal , libertyreserve !

Advertisers Benefits !

1. The most cost effective advertising.
2. Guaranteed Clickthru Ad Options.
3. EMail Advertising or Banner Advertising.
4. Advertise to 100% opt in membership.
5. Members are eager to receive your ads.
6. We will customize your Ad Campaign.
7. Absolutely no Spam!
8. Reliable, Friendly Service!
9. Fast respond! mostly in 24 hours will be processed.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.