I am not the admin of the program.

For clickers

Dear users, you can earn money by clicking on the advertisement links. You may earn from 0,005 $ to 0,05 $ per 1 clicked ad. You get 100% - 500% of your referral earnings. Premium and referrals you may buy directly from your account balance. The only way you may add funds to your account is by AlertPay. Minimum payout is 3$.

For advertisers

Welcome to view-ads. We offer many ways, how to attrack users directly to your websites. Every user must view your page for time that wont be less than 30 seconds. He can view your website at most once per 24 hours. Every Advertiser has a special account, where he may manage his advertising campaign and see all the necessary information.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.