KayAds is a brand new ptc website with a unique script. KayAds is a registered company which is running it's business in Switzerland!
Who created Kayads?
Kayads is a system developed in partnership with the IT staff. The registered company composed by Information Technology team is responsible for the site and its official records are located in Switzerland. The system is currently hosted on two powerful dedicated servers, one for web application and another for the database. This will ensure the speed, scalability and system security. In addition the system has McAfee secure, cloudflare protection, optimized firewall and ssl service. The script and design are unique and were fully developed by their Information Technology team.

*Registered Company
*Professional Support
*Secure Environment
*Innovative Ideas
*Instant Services

This website has just launched yesterday and is still new, join now and you will not miss this great opportunity!

4$ min payout

Register : http://www.kayads.com/index.php?r=jarin