Standart members

At NewBUXera, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for a few seconds to earn money. This is because all you need to do is visit the sites we provide you with. You can earn even more by referring friends.
You get for one click: $ 0.010 and for referral click: $ 0.015. Minimal payout is: $ 1.00

Premium members

Every new user is "standart", but can buy a premium membership. It costs only $ 24.99 for one month or $ 59.99 lifetime. Every premium member has minimum 15 ads per day, priority payments in less than 12 hours, + 100% earnings from own clicks and + 33% earnings from referrals clicks.
You get for one click: $ 0.050 and for referral click: $ 0.020. Minimal payout is: $ 1.00