Members, Get Your Free Advertising Now!

At BuxForAds, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for a few seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. If you earn more than
2$, you can reedem your cash for advertising. But if you're a premium member, you can get real cash (10$ = 0.10$ to PayPal).

Here is some of what BuxForAds offers:

- Ads only site (ONLY PREMIUM MEMBERS will be paid).
- Earn $0.005 per link clicked (PREMIUM MEMBERS - $0.02 per click).
- Earn $0.005 for each website your referals view (PREMIUM MEMBERS - $0.01 per click).
- Realtime reports of your earnings.
- Random payouts for PREMIUM MEMBERS up to 100$!
- Payment requests can be made ONLY by PREMIUM MEMBERS, every day. We pay by PayPal.
- The minimum payout is $10 ($0.10 in real cash - PREMIUM MEMBERS).

For more information, visit

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