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Welcome to ArenaBux!
ArenaBux pays you to view advertisements provided by our sponsors.
Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential.
We are always ready to take any advice into consideration.
Earn up to $0.02 per click and $0.01 for every referral click

We are currently in Pre-Launch phase. We are going to officialy launch on 20th Feburary 2011.
During the Pre-Launch we have very affordable discount for our memberships - Silver, Golden and Ultimate.
Please visit the Upgrade Page and the Forum for more information.

Standard Membership
Your Click: $0.01 (Standard Ad) $0.0125 (Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01ref (Standard Ad) $0.0125ref (Extended Ad) $0.005ref (Short Ad)

Your Click: $0.0125(Standard Ad) $0.015(Extended Ad) $0.007(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.0125(Standard Ad) $0.015(Extended Ad) $0.007(Short Ad)
Standard Member rate :

$0.010 - Per Clicks
$0.005 - Per Ref Clicks
Minimum Payout : $2.00
Payout via : Alertpay