GMO is trading in the range of $4.06 - $4.69 in the past 30 days.
Base on the technical indicators,
Average True Range (Atr) indicates the volatility has increased for GMO.
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is bullish for GMO.
GMO formed a Bullish Macd Crossover signal.
Money Flow Index (MFI) is bullish and moving up for GMO.
GMO formed a bullish Price & Exponential MovingAverage Crossover signal.
GMO formed a bullish Price & Simple Moving Average Crossover signal.
The 10-day simple moving average is bearish and moving down for GMO.
GMO formed a bullish Stochastic Crossover signal.
Average volume increase over 10% for GMO.
I think it is a bullish stock to watch for short term