Daily Bitcoin Bonus : Read, Share, Invite to Win Bitcoin
Pivot is News Sharing App . Supported by Binance Exchange ,there is reward of 2 BTC for clicking posts ,sharing,posting & earn huge daily bonuses.
100% paying and trusted.
You get 'power' and power changes to BTC every 24 hrs.

What's Pivot
Pivot, invested by Binance, is one of the largest and the most successful cryptocurrency community in China.
How to get POWER?
What is power?
POWER is the certificate of “Daily BTC Bonus”, which decides how much BTC Bonus you can get everyday. You can get POWER by reading, sharing posts and invite your friends. For example, if 10000 POWER is distributed to all users in one day, and user A gets 100 POWER, then he/she will receive 1% of the BTC in the bonus pool of this day.

Minimum withdrawl 0.0006btc(any wallet)

Click on link and signin with gmail or facebook.
After sign in download the APP. click 'tasks' then click posts ,sharing,posting & earn huge daily bonuses.
