is a member of eTalk Network. This network is a vast group of sites that target the different aspects of advertising, marketing, web hosting, SEO (search engine optimization), domain name, web development and selling. This is in addition to some other projects under construction. We have been in this network since 2003 as can be obviously seen in our AdBrite account. Our oldest sites are and (you can check the whois). The major sites in the network have a PageRank between 5 and 7.

Program Plans
# Your account will be active for 30 days.
# You can surf a maximum of 25 sites per day.
# No Referral Comissions
# Your can only earn credits.
# You can only add one site.

# 8% for 15 days
# 5% referral commission
# Surf 15 sites daily to earn the 8%
# Can add up to 3 sites
# Can buy 1 to 1000 units, the cost of each unit is $10
# Allowed to have a maximum of two upgraded packages simultaneosly
# You must have an active package to be paid
# Payouts are done within 7 to 10 Business days

For more information, visit
AutoSurf Business - Get free traffic with Autosurf
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