Welcome to surfads.biz, The advertising company that pays you. You may join and become a member for free to view advertisements and earn credits to advertise. You may also become an upgraded member for $10. Each $10 upgrade buys you a software package of your choice from our products page, which will be digitally delivered via email for you to download. It comes with full resale rights, so you may advertise and resell the software. You are not required to advertise the software here, but you may if you choose. You may advertise any website, product or service you want to promote as long as it abides by our terms of service. You receive the following for each $10 upgrade:
-Upgraded Membership for specified term*
-Software of your choice from our products page.
-10 credits (views of your sites by other members)
-1 share in surfads.biz revenue**
Both free and upgraded members earn 1% on referral upgrades plus 100 credits per referral to surfads.biz.
**Profits from software sales, advertising and credit purchases each month are donated back to all upgraded members by a specified percentage of their upgrade amount. The percentage depends on company profit.
*Please read our terms of service for more details

Program Plans
-variable interest for life

For more information, visit
Added for discussion