Welcome to Goodwinsurf! As an upgraded member, You will benefit a 7% Commission Daily For 17 Days. After 17 days you will have earned 119% of your ad purchase. Furthermore our referral program pays 3% in commission of each upgrade placed by your direct referrals.

Program Plans
Upgrade Members
+100 free credits every month
+Earn 7% Daily!
+Upgrades last 17 days.
+Earn 3% Ref. commissions.
+Each Upgrades unit cost $3.00.
+Surf 10 pages to earn.
+17 Second timer.
+3 sites to add in our ad-rotator
+Cash out When Upgrade Expired.
+Payouts in 3 Business Day.
+No Minimum Cashout!
+Accepts Only e-gold.

Free Members
+0.5:1 Surf ratio
+20 sec timer
+100 free credits
+1 sites to add in our ad-rotator

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