Nobody likes a whiny child and a chorus of them can be unbearable. If you have a group of kids in your daycare who constantly whine, this can provide a lot of stress and can be a true test of your patience. Most of us would prefer tantrums over whining any day of the week. If this is a constant struggle in your daycare, you need not worry. There are ways where you can restore balance and harmony to your daycare without resulting it resulting to a lawsuit.

Often there is a reason to why a child would result to whining. Hunger, exhaustion, feeling under the weather and boredom often leads to a whining session with the children under your care. Learning to identify the triggers of these whining can prevent you from suffering a shining chorus. Whining is a trait that is often frowned upon and is not a good communication method a child should grow accustom to.

Like the common cold, there is still no sure way of curing the whining spells children can have.

* One reason a child may result to whining is to attract attention from adult. As a last resort a child may employ whining to get noticed. Being adults we have the capability of recognize kids and doing so we can prevent the irritating behavior by simply listening to the needs of the child. Children don’t know any better so it’s up to us adults to reach down to their level and determine what they want. Often a little face time or perhaps a bonding session is all it takes. Peace and quiet can often be achieved by simply providing the right attention to a child.

* Another way you can you can prevent whining in your daycare is by teaching the children how to differentiate different tones in voices. Once they have discovered how whining sound they will be less likely to want to sound that way. You can choose to record an example of a child whining and let them listen to it. Allow them to listen and react to what they are hearing. Allow them to become the third party in the listening activity. This is a good away for them to understand why whining is an undesirable trait. Once they hear for themselves they will truly understand the significance of what you are trying to teach them.

* A child would also result to whining once he or she is unable to fully express him or herself. Be aware of situations like this and instead of telling off the child, try helping the child verbalize what she or he wants to express. Help the child find the words so that he or she can tell you what the problem is. Addressing the feelings and need of a child allows less reason for whining. Teaching the child that it’s better to talk about the problem rather than whining can go a long way in the child’s development.

* If you are caught in the tirade of a child’s whining it would be a good idea to provide a distraction. The annoying whines can stop once we are able to change the subject and switch the child’s attention to something more fun. A whiney child can be a result of total boredom. Introducing an activity that provides fun and learning can prevent a child from traveling that rode to boredom city where all the children whine. If a child is busy doing something or preoccupied whining would be the last thing on his mind.

* A child in need of attention will accept any for of attention from an adult. Don’t try to address this attempt to grab your attention with a negative attention. Don’t yell. Labeling a child as a whiner is not going to be productive as well. Just stay calm and don’t lose yourself from the whining. Giving in after a long period of whining will provide a message to a child that persistent whining will pay off in the end. Teach the child that adult and other people will respond only if you use a normal voice. Remember, patience is a virtue.

* Whining is not the only behavioral problem you can face when dealing with the children in your daycare. There are other behavioral problems that you would need to address calmly and positively. These difficult behaviors in children are caused by many factors that need to be addressed to prevent the escalation of these bad behaviors. These negative behaviors in children must be dealt with at the onset of the problem. Initially it would be alright to handle the bad behavior on your own however, if the child persists to be disruptive, destructive and aggressive, it would be best to meet with the parents to discuss the child’s problem. Dealing with the bad behavior will require parental cooperation and further discussion will unearth if similar behavior happens in the home as well. If the root cause can be discovered it would be beneficial to all parties and there would be a better understanding of what triggers and the reasons for the behavior.

* As a daycare provider it is your responsibility to inform the parents to what is going on with their child. This meeting will ensure that a joint behavior plan for the child is set and that everyone concerned is on the same page. It would be useless if you are dealing with the problem in your daycare while nothing is being done when the child is exhibiting the behavior at home.

* Make sure you use a behavior policy as a plan to help make a more personalized behavior plan. It would be good to set a time frame for the plan and a re-evaluation to see if there is any progress in the child’s behavior.

* If despite all the efforts the child continues with his disruption, you may need to ask the parents to pull out the child since you are not just responsible for one child but to the other children as well. And you have to consider the overall impact not just to one child.

For more see: Start A Daycare Center