When you are in the business of providing service, there is nothing in the world that can stop your customers from reporting complaints. They will find every excuse to give you a negative feedback as soon as the cleaning job is over; sometimes, up to even after a few days. The way you handle customer complaints will measure how good your people skills are.

Complaints will be about everything that is involved in the cleaning process; from your cleaning staff’s appearance, to the equipment and cleaning solutions your cleaning service uses. Typically, you will be giving out feedback forms for the customer to fill out but your clients also have the option to call you up and raise their concerns to you personally.

1. Always handle complaints as soon as you receive them. If it is in written form, then you should contact the complainant immediately and state that you have received their input. If the comment does not require immediate attention such as advice on the cleaning solution you should use next time, then just say that you will look into the possibility and get back to them as soon as possible.

2. Always keep the proper decorum when talking to clients even if you think that the complaints are unfounded. There is nothing wrong with hearing your customers out, especially if their sole purpose is just to vent out their feelings. Some customers are more difficult to handle as they may have a different style in cleaning their spaces. All you have to do is to tailor your cleaning service to their requirements.

3. Never lose your temper when talking to a difficult client. You are in the service industry and your aim is to please your client so that they stay in contract with you. There may be times that your customer may be hearing you but is not actually listening to what you say. Their objective at this point is to put across their concern. It would be best to wait until the customer is done talking and then follow up with a query on how he thinks the situation could be rectified. Afterwards, consider his suggestion and then give your own. Make sure that the solution you give incorporates all or a part of the customer’s recommendation.

4. If the complaint is about the cleaning you have done, including damages to property, you need to talk to your staff immediately and clear up what had happened before setting up a meeting with the client. Make sure that your insurance and bond are in order so that you can quickly settle the issue.

5. When a client criticizes one of your staff, maybe on their uniform or not wearing one, or general attitude toward work, talk to the client immediately and ask what exactly happened. If the complain is valid, then you should talk to your employee regarding the matter. To make sure that you do not suffer from any liabilities in case you decide to fire out the employee later on, then you should issue him a memorandum. However, if you find that the client just has some misgivings about your cleaning crew member and you cannot pinpoint the real reason, what you can do is to find a replacement for that crew member and send the other to a different cleaning gig.

For more info: How to start a cleaning service