Before you start a major maid cleaning service, you should consider a few important factors. The first is whether you are ready for bigger responsibilities. If you start a maid cleaning service with just yourself, then you are liable only for your own schedule and actions, plus you can assuredly use your home as an office. However, this small start up would mean limited clients because you have a limited cleaning capacity. You cannot clean 10 or 12 hours a day! That would be too exhausting and you might end up doing yourself, and your clients, more harm than good. With a relatively larger scale maid cleaning service, you can have the option of hiring extra hands and manage more clients than you can handle on your own. This means more clients and more profits, but you do need to take care of your employees now, including their insurance.

Once you have already decided between the two scenarios above, the next thing you need to consider is your company’s image. Primarily, would you be catering to the affluent crowd, the above average crowd, or the middle range crowd? You need to take these things into consideration because you have to adjust your policies accordingly. If you would like your market to be in the middle class range, you will need to make sure that your fees are affordable, and that your image is not too snobbish for this crowd. Otherwise, they might not consider your services.

If you plan on servicing the above average to really rich home owners, you will need to make sure that you can handle all their more sensitive requirements. Take into consideration all the extra equipment you need to have, including state of the art carpet cleaners, bigger vacuums, better cleaning solutions, and so on. All your tools and material affect the overall image that you establish for your company.

No matter which income level families you would like to service, one of the best and cheapest ways to market your maid cleaning business is via the internet. With the position of the online market safely ensconced in stability, you would not have to worry about not reaching a wide audience. Also, having a website can cut down your expenses in printing out brochures and flyers. All the extra information you have can be out into your website instead of having all those extra pages go to waste. Besides, a majority of the market you want to tap will have internet access and you can direct them to your website for correspondence requirements.

Your website should emulate the kind of image you want for your cleaning business. It should bear your company logo (which you can design yourself) and your objectives and goals as a company. The tone should be appealing to the clientele you wish to capture, in any case professional. When answering queries on e-mail or through personal phone calls, make sure that you, any of your employees, or housemates know how to handle questions in a polite and courteous manner.

For more info: How to start a cleaning service