Dear Friends,
This post will probably come as a surprise to you, but bear in mind while you read it that my formal promise to you from Day One was always that I would put the interest of the members ahead of any other concern.

I believe that this qualifies for it.

I want to discuss with you the event of Wowzza, a new Internet community that was introduced officially yesterday.

Many of you probably heard about it. I'm assuming that several of you signed up for it because the company has already around 9,000 members, and it opened for PreLaunch registration yesterday evening.

I am inviting you to join in it immediately. Why?

First of all, your chances of getting spillover have never been better than right now.

Second, still in PreLaunch, this community already offers so much to their networkers. There will be no waiting to use it to promote your own programs and businesses. When they launch, it will be there for you to use. Most of it is ready now.

Third, the owners are well-known established marketers that have proven records in other enterprises.

How does this stack up against our interest in gibLink? GibLink should come out soon with its community. If it is as good as Tim Johnson said it is, we will be working with both communities, happy and financially secure.

Both gibLink and Wowzza profess the same doctrine: to help "entrepreneurs" (that's us) with promoting our own business interest. We're just taking them at their word.

We hope that you will consider joining under this link. It belongs to one of our leaders. You will join a very dynamic matrix.

WowzzaPower - Professional Social Network

Thank you,

Indrani Ganguly
Your Partner in Transformation